

K12 English, History, Science, Compostion, Homework Help Computer Instruction Practical use of email, spreadsheets,Internet Browers Cooking Instruction: Baking, Roasting, Pressure/slow cooking,Frying Executive Function Improvement: Scheduling and Operating
*Remote Instruction is available
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Personal Care Services

Assisting with grocery shopping, community outing, planning the day, organizing boxes and work area, talking with service provider e.g. social work, and learning new tasks. Working with children who have executive function problems, learning difficulties, mobility issues, behavioral issues (temper tantrums, aggression), and diagnosis of ADD,ADHD, and on the spectrum Work with teens and adults dealing with depression and anxiety Other personal/companion care services include teaching guilding, and assisting with Daily Living Activities (ADL's) social services Benefits Application and appointment, making and scheduling medical and social appointment, and housing application (private,HOC,HUI).
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Additional respite services not offered by current direct service not provided for children on the spectrum and seniors that do not require any technical interaction -welfare checks -meal prep -child pick-up/drop- off care -General errands -foodbank pickup
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My Work